Final Report: Grazing Intelligence

December 7, 2023

Read the final report on Grazing Intelligence, a Food Agility CRC project in collaboration with NSW DPI and Pasture.IO


Final Report: Grazing Intelligence

Read the final report on Grazing Intelligence, a Food Agility CRC project in collaboration with NSW DPI and Pasture.IO

December 7, 2023

This project's aim was to empower sheep and beef producers to confidently make proactive grazing decisions.

To do so, grazing intelligence models were developed to provide pasture production and sheep and cattle performance projections through the farm management platform.

The key information predicted is the current pasture biomass and composition, and liveweight change of animals.

This information is used to

1) project whether animal requirements are currently being met

2) determine how long animals can graze a paddock at a set level of production, and

3) determine what other paddocks on a farm are suitable for these animals.

This information can be used to determine whole-farm feed availability and animal performance to improve the confidence of producers in making grazing management and stocking rate decisions. These improved decisions will flow on to improved animal performance, whole farm profitability and facilitate more sustainable management.

Read the final report here.

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