
Sustainable Orchard of the Future

Developing a digital twin model to help Australian stonefruit growers adapt to a changing climate.
Project complete

In Partnership With:

Agriculture Victoria
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
The University of Queensland

Sustainable Orchard of the Future

The Challenge

The adoption of new and innovative farming practices can be a resource intensive process for Australian stonefruit growers, requiring the commitment of both time and money. These restrictions are to the detriment of an industry eager to improve sustainability outcomes and adapt to a changing climate.  

The Solution

This project will create an data-driven digital twin model that provides an immersive 3D visualisation of physical assets and comprehensive analysis of seasonal data. Combined with plant physiology and radiation models, the model will allow producers to be climate ready and continue making sustainable farm management decisions.

Researchers will ensure the platform is user-friendly and can be tailored to suit a variety of different situations. The flexibility will future proof the technology and promote innovation and facilitate an easier adoption of new ag technology.


· A user-friendly platform that allows producers to visualise their orchards

· Improved decision making through better analysis of real-time and forecasted data

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