Food Agility


Are you up for the challenge? Submissions open until 11 Oct.


Developing an industry specific definition of regenerative agriculture


The Digital Agrifood Summit returns on 29-30 October 2024

WE make innovation easier

Food Agility brokers, designs and delivers innovation programs for the Australian agrifood industry, ensuring maximum impact for investment. We specialise in using data and digital technology to increase profits and improve sustainability.

Resilience of Agri-food Supply Chains: Australian Developments after a Decade of Supply and Demand Shocks
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
Digital Agriculture: A Tale of Unrealised Expectations?
Data sharing platforms: How value is created from agricultural data
Compact Multi-Service Antenna for Sensing and Communication Using Reconfigurable Complementary Spiral Resonator
Dual-Band, Slant-Polarized MIMO Antenna Set for Vehicular Communication
Automatic Cattle Identification using YOLOv5 and Moasic Augmentation: A Comparative Analysis
Mapping the development of a Dinophysis bloom in a shellfish aquaculture area using a novel molecular qPCR assay
MFLD-net: A Lightweight Deep Learning Network for Fish Morphometry using Landmark Detection
Multi-Service Compact Pixelated Stacked Antenna with Different Pixel shapes for IoT Applications
Modelling Time Varying Higher Order Conditional Moments: A Survey
Transformer-based Self-Supervised Fish Segmentation in Underwater Videos
RF-Self-Powered Sensor for Fully Autonomous Soil Moisture Sensing
Efficient Dual-band single-port rectifier for RF energy harvesting at FM and GSM bands
Low-profile dual-band pixelated defected ground antenna for multistandard IoT devices
Exploring knowledge management enablers for blockchain-enabled food supply chain implementations
DNA metabarcoding identifies urban foraging patterns of oligolectic and polylectic cavity-nesting bees
The employer of choice or a sector without workforce?
Assessing Australian consumer preferences for fresh pork meat attributes: A best-worst approach on 46 attributes
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Sustainable Institutional Food Systems: Implementation of AI Tools for School Nutrition Program Management in the United States of America
Minute-wise frost prediction: An approach of recurrent neural networks
Laser Beam Atmospheric Propagation Modelling for Aerospace LIDAR Applications
Multi-band SIW Cavity Based Metamaterial Perfect Absorber
Remote Water Salinity Sensor Using Metamaterial Perfect Absorber
A Comparison of Analytical Approaches for the Spectral Discrimination and Characterisation of Mite Infestations on Banana Plants
A framework for evaluation of on-farm mastitis diagnostics in Australia
Current status of and future opportunities for digital agriculture in Australia
A systematic review of machine learning techniques for cattle identification: Datasets, methods and future directions
Miniaturized Patch Rectenna Using 3-Turn Complementary Spiral Resonator for Wireless Power Transfer
Using qPCR and high-resolution sensor data to model a multi-species Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) bloom in southeastern Australia
Roles of Selective Agriculture Practices in Sustainable Agricultural Performance: A Systematic Review
The Role of FAIR Data towards Sustainable Agricultural Performance: A Systematic Literature Review
Engaging with Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a Bottom-Up Approach for the Purpose of Sustainability: Victorian Farmers Market Association, Melbourne Australia
The Segmented Colour Feature Extreme Learning Machine: Applications in Agricultural Robotics
A Two-Point Iteration Method to Predict Canopy Water Content from RF Loss
RF Loss Model for Tree Canopies with Varying Water Content
Detection of Banana Plants Using Multi-Temporal Multispectral UAV Imagery
Multi-platform LiDAR approach for detecting coarse woody debris in a landscape with varied ground cover
Broadacre Mapping of Wheat Biomass Using Ground-Based LiDAR Technology
A Canopy Transpiration Model Based on Scaling Up Stomatal Conductance and Radiation Interception as Affected by Leaf Area Index
Prediction of Water Content of Eucalyptus Leaves Using 2.4 GHz Radio Wave
Agriculture data sharing for public good – but who pays the price?
Emu’s First 120 Years: Landmark Papers of Change in Austral Ornithology
Neural Topic Model Training with the REBAR Gradient Estimator
A Review on Antenna Technologies for Ambient RF Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer: Design, Challenges and Applications
Reliability of a Handheld Bluetooth Colourimeter and Its Application to Measuring the Effects of Time from Harvest, Row Orientation and Training System on Nectarine Skin Colour
Blockchain Enabled Fish Provenance and Quality Tracking System
Embedding digital agriculture into sustainable Australian food systems: pathways and pitfalls to value creation
Assessment of the use of Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) for analysis of large on-farm experiments and implications for practical application
Soil moisture remote sensing using SIW cavity based metamaterial perfect absorber
Panoptic blockchain ecosystems: An exploratory case study of the beef supply chain
Internet of Things 2.0: Concepts, Applications and Future Directions
Topic-document inference with the Gumbel-Softmax distribution
Maturity prediction in yellow peach (Prunus persica L.) cultivars using a fluorescence spectrometer
Artificial Intelligence in the design of transitions to Sustainable Food Systems
PLEDGE: A Proof-of-Honesty based Consensus Protocol for Blockchain-based IoT Systems
Investigating the potential of Sentinel-1 to detect varying surface heterogeneity in pasture cover in grasslands
Discriminating between C3, C4, and mixedC3/C4 pasture grasses of a grazed landscape using multi-temporal Sentinel-1a data
Reducing the influence of solar illumination angle when using active optical sensor derived NDVIAOS to infer fAPAR for spring wheat
In-situ partitioning of evaporation and transpiration components using a portable evapotranspiration dome. A case study in Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea)
The paradoxes of food waste reduction in the horticultural supply chain
Strengthening consumer trust in beef supply chain traceability with a blockchain-enabled human-machine reconcile mechanism
Active and Passive Electro-optical Sensors for Health Assessment in Food Crops
A Model for RF Loss through Vegetation with Varying Water Content
A Canopy Transpiration Model Based on Scaling Up Stomatal Conductance and Radiation Interception as Affected by Leaf Area Index
Airborne LiDAR and high-resolution multispectral data integration in Eucalyptus Tree species mapping in an Australian farmscape
Assessment of Canopy Porosity in Avocado Trees as a Surrogate for Restricted Transpiration Emanating from Phytophthora Root Rot
Discrimination of Species Composition Types of a Grazed Pasture Landscape Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data
A preliminary investigation of the potential of sentinel-1 radar to estimate pasture biomass in a grazed pasture landscape
A non-reference temperature histogram method for determining Tc from ground-based thermal imagery of orchard tree canopies
Reducing the influence of solar illumination angle when using active optical sensor derived NDVIAOS to infer fAPAR for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
In-situ partitioning of evaporation and transpiration components using a portable evapotranspiration dome—A case study in Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea)
PrivySharing: A blockchain-based framework for privacy-preserving and secure data sharing in smart cities
Frost monitoring cyber-physical system: a survey on prediction and active protection methods
Identifying Sheep Activity from Tri-Axial Acceleration Signals Using a Moving Window Classification Model
Increasing growth and yield by altering carbon metabolism in a transgenic leaf oil crop
The “Prevention Paradox”: food waste prevention and the quandary of systemic surplus production
Survey: Sharding in blockchains
A Unified Analytical Model for Proof-of-X Schemes
Enabling Attribute Revocation for Fine-Grained Access Control in Blockchain-IoT Systems
Race for 2030 CRC
The University of Queensland
Harmony Agriculture and Food Company
Centre for Crop and Disease Management
Longerenong College
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)
Corson Grain
Xsights Digital
Pork Innovation WA
Craig Mostyn & Co
Beanstalk AgTech
National Farmers' Federation
Precision Agriculture
Cherry Growers Australia
GS1 Australia
Carbon Link
Cibo Labs
Yamaha Motor Australia
University of Sydney
NSW Farmers
Integrity Systems Company
Grower Group Alliance
Allied Pinnacle
Southern Farming Systems
Marcus Oldham College
Agriculture Victoria
Rubens Technologies
Green Atlas
Sustainable Food Lab
Manildra Group
Fairtrade ANZ
APAC Provenance
Treasury Wine Estates
Laava ID
Source Certain
Fresh Supply Co.
Southern Rock Lobster
Mars Petcare
Summerfruit Australia
Costa Group
Meat & Livestock Australia
Ultimo Digital Technologies
Dairy Australia
Food and Fibre Gippsland
University of New England
WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Australian Wine Research Institute
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Growing Solutions
QLD Government
Agrifutures (Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation)
Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd
SA Government
Vic Government
NGIS Australia Pty Ltd
Mulgowie Fresh Pty Ltd
Southern Forests Food Council
Agrometeorology Australia
Swan Systems (Indicina Pty Ltd)
Australian Farm Institute Limited
Pracsys (Systems Edge Management Services Pty Ltd)
James Cook University
Precision Agronomics Australia Pty Ltd
Food Innovation Australia Ltd
Ovass Pty Ltd
Meshed Pty Ltd
Federation University Australia
Insurance Australia Group Limited
Curtin University of Technology
Final Report: Optimised Carbon and Nutrient Management
Final Report: Improving Avocado Exports
Final Report: Enhancing Provenance and Prediction for Whole Grain Rice Quality
Transforming Australian Shellfish Production: Hawkesbury River
Final Report: Smart Farming Data Ecosystem
Final Report: Cool Soil Initiative
Transforming Australian Shellfish Production: Hastings River
Final Report: Farm-wide WiFi
Nature-based risk assessment for the beef sector in Northern Australia
Final Report: Grazing Intelligence
Annual Report 2022-2023
Final Report: Haystack Fire Prevention
Transforming Australian Shellfish Production: Wapengo Lake
Transforming Australian Shellfish Production: Wonboyn River
Transforming Australian Shellfish Production: Port Stephens
Final Report: Green Bean Harvest and Yield
Final Report: TRAKKA | Making Data Flow
Annual Report 2021-2022
Transforming Australian Shellfish Production: Pambula River
Transforming Australian Shellfish Production: Shoalhaven and Crookhaven Rivers
Final Report: Sensors for Summerfruit
Final Report: CherryPlus Traceability
Final Report: Data-driven grain profitability through "On-farm experimentation"
Report: Co-designed scoping study to unlock the power of digital
Transforming Australian Shellfish Production: Wallis Lake
Transforming Australian Shellfish Production: Wagonga Inlet
Predicting Green Bean Harvest and Yield
Genotyping for Individual Animal ID
Transforming Australian Shellfish Production: Manning River
Annual Report 2020-2021
Quantifying Trust in Agricultural Value Chains
Annual Report 2019-2020
Food Agility Annual Report 2018-19
Food Agility CRC Annual Report 2017-2018

Key Statistics

* Projected impacts of Food Agility projects, as independently audited by ACIL Allen


our partners

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)
Centre for Crop and Disease Management
Harmony Agriculture and Food Company
The University of Queensland
Race for 2030 CRC
National Australia Bank Limited
Insurance Australia Group Limited
Southern Farming Systems
Allied Pinnacle
National Farmers' Federation
Craig Mostyn & Co
Pork Innovation WA
Corson Grain
Meat & Livestock Australia
Mulgowie Fresh Pty Ltd
Australian Farm Institute Limited
Southern Forests Food Council
Food and Fibre Gippsland
Agrifutures (Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation)
Food Innovation Australia Ltd
Summerfruit Australia
Costa Group
Australian Wine Research Institute
Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd
Manildra Group
Sustainable Food Lab
Robert Bosch (Australia) Proprietary Limited
The Yield Technology Solutions Pty Ltd
GS1 Australia
Precision Agriculture
Beanstalk AgTech
Xsights Digital
Ovass Pty Ltd
Agrometeorology Australia
NGIS Australia Pty Ltd
Ultimo Digital Technologies
Precision Agronomics Australia Pty Ltd
Meshed Pty Ltd
Swan Systems (Indicina Pty Ltd)
Pracsys (Systems Edge Management Services Pty Ltd)
Hivexchange Pty Ltd
NSW Department of Primary Industries
NSW Farmers
WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
QLD Government
SA Government
Vic Government
Agriculture Victoria
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Charles Sturt University
University of Technology Sydney
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Federation University Australia
Curtin University of Technology
Marcus Oldham College
University of Sydney
University of New England
Dairy Australia
James Cook University
Grower Group Alliance
Integrity Systems Company
Yamaha Motor Australia
Cibo Labs
Carbon Link
Cherry Growers Australia
Growing Solutions
Treasury Wine Estates
Green Atlas
Rubens Technologies
Longerenong College
Agriculture Victoria
Agrifutures (Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation)
Agrometeorology Australia
Allied Pinnacle
Australian Farm Institute Limited
Australian Wine Research Institute
Beanstalk AgTech
Carbon Link
Centre for Crop and Disease Management
Charles Sturt University
Cherry Growers Australia
Cibo Labs
Corson Grain
Costa Group
Craig Mostyn & Co
Curtin University of Technology
Dairy Australia
Federation University Australia
Food Innovation Australia Ltd
Food and Fibre Gippsland
GS1 Australia
Green Atlas
Grower Group Alliance
Growing Solutions
Harmony Agriculture and Food Company
Hivexchange Pty Ltd
Insurance Australia Group Limited
Integrity Systems Company
James Cook University
Longerenong College
Manildra Group
Marcus Oldham College
Meat & Livestock Australia
Meshed Pty Ltd
Mulgowie Fresh Pty Ltd
NGIS Australia Pty Ltd
NSW Department of Primary Industries
NSW Farmers
National Australia Bank Limited
National Farmers' Federation
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)
Ovass Pty Ltd
Pork Innovation WA
Pracsys (Systems Edge Management Services Pty Ltd)
Precision Agriculture
Precision Agronomics Australia Pty Ltd
QLD Government
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Race for 2030 CRC
Robert Bosch (Australia) Proprietary Limited
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Rubens Technologies
SA Government
Southern Farming Systems
Southern Forests Food Council
Summerfruit Australia
Sustainable Food Lab
Swan Systems (Indicina Pty Ltd)
Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd
The University of Queensland
The Yield Technology Solutions Pty Ltd
Treasury Wine Estates
Ultimo Digital Technologies
University of New England
University of Sydney
University of Technology Sydney
Vic Government
WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Xsights Digital
Yamaha Motor Australia

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